had a short trip to Brunei yesterday~
with my family
realized that the past fewdays weeks, my updates were all about hanging out with friends etc etc
finally get to spend some time with mahh family
hoohoo ♥
pics! ~
with my family
realized that the past few
finally get to spend some time with mahh family
hoohoo ♥
pics! ~
woo 1st time take pic of myself in car leh!
with my mum sitting in front.
need keep check make sure she wasn't looking then dare take XP
biggest bro(but still younger than me) didn't go.
say what go tuition.
jiajia one lahh~~~
love the cars in Brunei...
omggggg all so luxurious and flashy one lerh!
just looking at those cars makes me feel happy!
neways, went Brunei to attend uncle Andrew's birthday party.
we were early (unbelievable) so we went shopping 1st!
I think I might be falling in love with Converse now! haha
neways, yesterday's shopping trip reli made me....
want to shop right here right now!!
I realized, that I haven't been pampering myself much this year...
unlike the years b4, I'd always go shopping and buy lots of things...
but this year,
most of my money were spent on FOOD!
lemme tell you,
FOOD IS EVIL!!!!!!!!
okayy back to the post!
my bro trying out the pig's ear!
look at his expression already know whether nice or not lah
not bad lah the food~
all cooked by uncle himself, I think?
my fav of course has to be~~~~~
Fruit Salad!!!
so sakai took so much, then in the end realized it's too sweet liao! D:
my mum's nicer :)
after eating a while jiu went back liao~ lolz
not bad larh this trip,
kinda happy lately, cos feel like I'm closer with my family liao :P
this morning!
after church, we all thinking bout where to eat our breakfast.
decide so long, in the end still went to dad's fav place.
[unfair much.. grown ups always win!]
big bro. hoohoo
did I mention I saw his gf in Parkson that day?
he told me, he received our msgs at the same time that day...
gf: heyy I think I saw your sis.
me: I see my sister-in-law. muahahaa
and couldn't be bothered to reply mine!!!
big bro, again!
my youngest bro took this pic
wonder what he was looking at hor
maybe he's looking at me thinking:
wow I'm such a lucky fella' to have such a chiobu sister.
ROFL LMAO! *evil laugh*
ok so that's it I guess.
nothing much lately.
now for some update on me hamsters! ^O^
Bean Bean(super fat one) and BB Jr!
both so cute larhh~~
Bean Bean seriously overweight larh! LOL!
beh tahan already, but then he's just so adorable, being all fat and furry like that
plus he's butt is huge.
luv him !
BB Jr also damn cute one! his/her eyes very big!
omg I seriously hate her.
sometimes when I come and check on them, I'd see her walking up to the lil' hamsters, and bite them!
sometimes she even wrestles Bean Bean!
so kelian lah...
the babies all scare of her, then they all rush into the lil house and hide with Bean Bean.
Yin Yin is pretty much useless,
except in the field of reproduction!
can you believe it?
5 more newborn babies!!
(one died btw ._.)
why.... if you aren't a
I'd give you away!
*wonder what Bean Bean sees in you -___-*
lastly, before ending this post of mine!
another pic of Bean Bean and BB Jr!
so cute
he is fat man.
almost thrice the size of the lil' one. haha
[can you see his humongous butt?]
I've come to realize that I do not take good pictures lately.
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