Friday, March 6, 2009

in love again!!!!

can't believe I'm in love again!!
and so soon!!!

ahhh but who cares?
not like he was worth all my time and energy ~
I'm just glad,
I found out just on time that he's just like every other guy (no offence)
so whatever~'
I have my new love now

too soon you all might think?
but nahh..
true love bahh

























my one and only love!!!

W705 by SE


look at it..
so freakin' gorgeous...
please be mine?

I want a W705
starting to save from now on..
wonder when can I afford it
good things are just so expensive!!!

I want one!!!

come on larh..
some millionaire,
or billionaire even,
please read my blog and buy me this phone larh!
true love okay!!!
buy me my true love

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